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Gift boxes

Find the perfect gift box – whether you’re packing chocolates, toys or precious necklaces – and make it extra special with your custom design, created in just a few clicks.


Quick design process, short product lead times and express delivery option


Minimum order quantities from as little as 30 pieces, both plain and customised


FSC-certified, recyclable and plastic-free products so that gifting feels even better

Why choose Packhelp for your gift boxes

Other suppliers
Small order quantities starting from 30 pcs
Plenty box types & sizes, infinite customisation options
Vivid printing inside and out in CMYK or mono-colour
FSC-certified and recycled corrugated cardboard
Volume discounts & instant pricing above 2500 pcs

More gift box ideas

There’s a world of gifting inspirations – discover our range of plain boxes, gift bags, wrapping paper, packaging filler, custom ribbons & more.

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Try Out a Sample Pack

Choose up to 5 of your top picks and take them for a spin. Test their sturdiness, check their quality and find your favourites. We’ll give you your money back with your first order!

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